Hi, and welcome to my website! If you browse around this site, you will find a little about my hobbies and some programming projects I have worked on through my graduate degree, as well as some personal programming projects. Here, I hope you will get a more personal understanding of who and what I am.
Please click the links below for more information. Note to Internet Exploerer users: you will need to enable scripting to cycle through the eras on the timeline.
This is my family. I am the first born to Corrine and Michael and brother to Eleshia and Nathanael. My wife is also included, though she was not my wife at the time. This image may be a little dated... :-)
College Grad
I attended college at Penn State and graduated with a Bachelor of Science in IST with a 3.45 GPA. Shortly after, I started working at Synapse Systems. My resume page has more information about where I have worked since graduating from Penn State.
My wonderful wife and I were married in April, 2006. It has been a wonderful journey ever since. We have traveled the world together, laughed and cried together, and been each others companion through hardships. God has truly blessed me with such a beautiful partner.
I have worked at a few places, but I currently work for Boeing as a Software Engineer on torpedo countermeasure systems, torpedo simulation systems, and recently, an F-16 drone. The image above is copyrighted by Boeing and available for non-commercial use.
Graduate School
I'm currently attending Drexel for a Master's in Computer Science. Thus far, I have a 3.93 GPA. My current plan is to graduate with a concentration in Artificial Intelligence. If I remain employed at Boeing, I would like to use artificial intelligence for torpedo countermeasures and computer graphics for physics simulations of such systems. This image is used only under permission from Drexel University.
I enjoy weightlifting (though I'm not a body builder), running, playing and recording music, photography, programming, attempting to be a handyman, and trying to make a difference in the world through my talents that God has given me. I enjoy thinking differently and applying artistry through whatever I touch. Unhindered thinking is where I like to think that I excel.
I became a father in February 2014. This is my daughter, Keona, which in Hawaiian means, "God's precious gift." Given our infertility issues, we thought this was a perfect name for our daughter. Her giggles are truly infectious...
In August 2015, my wife gave birth to our son, Malachi Joseph! We are truly blessed to have two amazing children!